Object Class

Using class dsobject you combine one or more attributes into a nested JSON object. A Confluence page can, for example, contain a table which is converted into a JSON array of objects, where rows are array elements and cells are object attributes:

<table class="dsattr-participants">
<tr class="dsobject">
<td class="dsattr-lastname">
<ac:placeholder>Last name</ac:placeholder>
<td class="dsattr-firstname">
<ac:placeholder>First name</ac:placeholder>

The resulting JSON array:

"participants": [
"lastname": "Doe",
"firstname": "John",

If an attribute contains only one object than array is not created:

"participants": {
"lastname": "Doe",
"firstname": "John",

This rule in fact applies to all data types: if a table cell contains plain text in a single paragraph than it is converted into a text string, and if it contains two or more paragraphs of text than the value is a string array. Likewise several numbers are converted into an array of numbers, several dates – into an array of dates and so on.